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Processing Payments with Global Payments

Please note processing payments through PetLinx with Global Payments is only available in the USA and Canada.


PetLinx offers you the ability to use a fully PCI-DSS compliant solution to process your customer’s payments, in conjunction with our partners at Global Payments. To apply for a merchant account with Global Payments or find out further information, please contact us. Once you have a merchant account please follow the steps below to complete the integration.


Integrating your Merchant Account

  1. In PetLinx, open the System Options form, then click the Invoicing tab.
  2. In the “Payment Processing” section, tick the button next to the Global Payments logo then enter the X-Web Id, AuthKey, and Terminal Id that will have been provided for you when your merchant account was created.
  3. Your Device Id can be found by turning on the payment device and entering “000” on the keypad, then entering the admin passcode. In the Admin Overview screen, locate the “Cloud Device Id” setting.  Enter this setting value into the Device Id field in PetLinx e.g. “cedevice::asei3n”.
  4. To enable cards to be stored on file so you can process a customer’s payment without needing their physical card, ensure you have “Prompt to Save Customer’s Card on File” ticked.
  5. You now need to indicate which payment methods should be processed by your merchant account (i.e. credit card, debit card), and which shouldn’t (i.e. cash, check). To do this click the Edit Payment Methods… button to open the Data Lists pop-up form showing the available payment methods. For each payment method you wish to process with your merchant account, select it in the list then tick “Process through my merchant account”, then click the Save button.  Note: We recommend you have two payment methods setup to process payments called “Debit Card” and “Credit Card” with the “Process through my merchant account” field ticked.  You should still have payment methods such as “Cash” and “Check” defined as well as these are not processed through your merchant account.
  6. Click OK when finished to save the settings.




Processing Payments


When entering details of a payment into a transaction, choosing a payment method that you have indicated to be processed by your merchant account will display a Process button.  You can choose to either have the customer use the payment device, process a stored card on file, or manually enter card details.


Using the Payment Device



Click Process and on the payment device the customer will be prompted to choose how they wish to pay and they will complete this as appropriate. The payment may be approved or declined, or the customer can choose to cancel the payment. You can also choose to cancel the payment by clicking the Cancel… button next to the payment method on the Transaction form. You will be alerted to a declined or cancelled payment or if approved, the payment will be labelled as “Completed”. The customer can choose to add a tip while using the device, when this occurs you will be alerted to this in PetLinx and the invoice Tip field will be updated accordingly.

Note: Tick “Save Card” to the right of the Process button to have PetLinx store the card on file once the customer successfully completes the payment.


Using a Stored Card on File



If a customer had previously made a payment on the payment device and you chose to store the card on file by having “Save Card” ticked as described above, then you have the option of using that card without any action needed by the customer.  In this case the option “Use Card on File {card number}” will be shown above the Payment Method field.  Leave this ticked and click Process to have the card instantly debited – this option does not use the payment device, so any tip amount should be entered into the “Tip” field on the invoice prior to processing.  To skip using the stored card and have the customer complete the payment using the payment device, simply untick “Use Card on File” prior to clicking the Process button.

Note: you can view and delete stored cards in the Customer flyout (double click or hit the ENTER key on a customer in the Customer/Pet List). 


Manually Entering Card Details



If you don’t have a physical card or a stored card on file, you can manually enter the card details.  Click the drop-down to the right of the Process button and choose Manual Entry, which opens the Global Payments portal page.  Fill in the card details and click Make Payment when done.  The payment may be approved or declined, or you can cancel the payment by clicking the Cancel button. The payments page will then be closed, for a declined or cancelled payment you will be alerted to this. Otherwise if the payment was approved, the payment will be labelled as “Completed”.


Voiding a Payment


A previous successful payment can be voided if the payment batch has not settled.  To attempt this, open an existing transaction and click the Void button next to the payment you wish to void.  You will be alerted as to whether the void could be completed or not.  If successful you can then process the payment again as described above.

Note: the Void option will only be available on transactions dated within the past week, and will not be successful if the batch has already settled.


Refunding a Payment


For refund type transactions, the payment made on the original invoice or payment transaction can be refunded.  Simply open the refund transaction and click the Process button next to the payment you wish to refund.  If the payment being refunded was made on a debit card, the customer will need to complete the refund using the payment device.  Credit card refunds are returned back to the original card without requiring use of the payment device.  You will be alerted to a declined refund or if approved, the refund will be labelled as “Completed”.  

Note: You cannot use the “Manual Entry” option to process a refund.


Payment Processing Reporting


PetLinx keeps a log of each payment processing attempt, even if the attempt was declined or cancelled. To view this information, choose the “Payment Processing Log” report from the “Financial” category in the Reporting Center.

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