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Adding a new groom style

In the Pet flyout:

  1. Locate the pet in the Customer/Pet List (you may need to click the small arrow to the left of a customer to view their pets) or search for the pet. Once found, double click or hit the ENTER key to open the pet flyout. Click the Groom Styles tab.
  2. Click New to open the Groom Style form, then enter all required information.
  3. You can add your own groom style attributes; this is your own specific data that you want to record for each groom style. To accomplish this, click the Edit button in the Groom Style “Attributes” section to add new attributes in the Data Lists form. You can then tick each attribute as appropriate for each groom style, and if an attribute has a warning associated with it the groom style will be highlighted in the calendar forms.
  4. Click OK to save the groom style record and close the form, or Save to save the groom style record and keep the form open.

When creating a new booking in the Grooming Calendar:

  1. In the booking form, click the Select button in the “Groom Style” column next to the pet you are adding the groom style to. The Groom Style form will open.
  2. Click the New button, then enter all required information.
  3. Click OK to save the groom style record and close the form, or Save to save the groom style record and keep the form open.
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