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Editing a transaction

Follow these steps to edit a transaction:

To edit the invoice linked to an existing booking in a Calendar:

  1. Right click the booking and choose the Invoice -> View/Edit menu option, OR click the booking and click the Invoice -> View/Edit ribbon option. The Transaction form will be opened.
  2. Make any changes you require to the transaction record – if an invoice has already been set to completed you will be asked to confirm the changes you make.
  3. Click OK to save and close the Transaction form. When saved, the customer’s current balance will be updated accordingly.

In the Customer flyout:

  1. Locate the customer in the Customer/Pet List or search for the customer. Once found, double click or hit the ENTER key to open the customer flyout. Click the Transactions tab.
  2. Click the > button on the right hand edge of the transaction to edit in the grid. The Transaction form will be opened.
  3. Make any changes you require to the transaction record – if an invoice has already been set to completed you will be asked to confirm the changes you make.
  4. Click OK to save and close the Transaction form. When saved, the customer’s current balance will be updated accordingly.


Note: If you are using the Deskop Network or Cloud editions of PetLinx, users with the “General User” security group will only have the ability to edit transactions if the “Edit Customer Transactions” permission is ticked in the ]System Options form, Security tab.

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