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Editing a booking

Follow these steps to edit a grooming booking:

From the Grooming Calendar form:

  1. Open the Grooming Calendar form if it is not already open.
  2. Click on the required day in the month view to view bookings on that day.
  3. Click on the booking in the calendar grid then click the Open button on the Calendar ribbon OR right-click and choose Open from the menu OR double-click the booking.
  4. The Groom Booking form will open – make any changes required then click OK to save. If you have configured PetLinx to send confirmations (see Messaging Center) and you changed the date or time of the booking, a confirmation of the booking will be sent to the customer at this point.

From the Customer or Pet flyout:

  1. Locate the customer/pet in the Customer/Pet List or search for the customer/pet. Once found, double click or hit the ENTER key to open the customer or pet flyout. Click the Bookings tab.
  2. Click the > button on the right hand edge of the booking in the grid.
  3. The Groom Booking form will open – make any changes required then click OK to save. If you have configured PetLinx to send confirmations (see Messaging Center) and you changed the date or time of the booking, a confirmation of the booking will be sent to the customer at this point.
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