How to refund a payment In the Customer flyout: Locate the customer in the Customer/Pet List or search for the customer. Once found, double click or hit the ENTER key to open the customer flyout. Click the Transactions tab. Click the > button on the right hand edge of the payment to be refunded in… Continue reading Refunding a payment
How to refund an invoice To refund an existing invoice from a Calendar: Right click a booking that has been invoiced and choose the Invoice – View/Edit menu option, OR single click the booking and click the Invoice – View/Edit ribbon option. The Transaction form will be opened. Click the Refund button at the bottom… Continue reading Refunding an invoice
A cash drawer provides a secure method to store cash and checks received. PetLinx Desktop supports the use of any cash drawer, connected to either an Epson receipt printer or the serial port on your computer. We also support cash drawers with a USB connection that use a “virtual” serial port, and the M-S cash… Continue reading Using a Cash Drawer
A receipt printer used with PetLinx provides a quick and professional method of printing receipts for your customers when an invoice or payment has been completed. We only officially support PetLinx using the Epson range of receipt printers, however PetLinx may work well with other brands. Setting up your Receipt Printer Connect the printer to… Continue reading Using a Receipt Printer
A barcode scanner can greatly increase the speed of selecting and adding retail products to a customer’s purchase. Most barcode scanners available today are supported by PetLinx. Setting up your Scanner Connect the scanner to your computer according to the manufacturer instructions, and install all software required by the scanner. There are no changes you need… Continue reading Using a Barcode Scanner
You can restore a copy of the PetLinx database from a previous backup using the PetLinx Database Manager program. This restored database will overwrite your existing PetLinx database, so you need to be absolutely sure you wish to do it. You should never really have to do a restore unless you somehow lose your database,… Continue reading Restoring the database
The AutoBackup feature of PetLinx makes backups of your database while you work. You can also do ad-hoc backups using the PetLinx Database Manager program as follows: Make sure everyone has quit out of PetLinx first. Then in Windows, open the Database Manager program by choosing the Start / PetLinx / Database Manager menu option,… Continue reading Backing up the database
The AutoBackup feature makes backups of your database while you work in PetLinx, and stores them on your hard drive or network. By default this is turned on when you use PetLinx for the first time, and will make a backup of your database every 4 hours. The backup files are placed in a folder… Continue reading The AutoBackup feature
The Report Designer allows you to customize any of the reports in PetLinx. To open the Report Designer and start customizing a standard report (i.e. the version of the report that is supplied in PetLinx), see the Reports Setup help topic for information on editing a report. The Report Designer can also be opened from… Continue reading Using the Report Designer
PetLinx enables you to send your customers emails and SMS messages as configured in the Messaging Center and the Extract and Mailout tab in the Reporting Center. The message templates that form the content of the email / SMS are created in the Email Template Editor and SMS Template Editor respectively. To create a new… Continue reading Using the Template Editors